→ Where to find my internship ?
You can send your internship requests to a research laboratory in oncology, companies or other public health organizations. The international reception laboratories and partner laboratories are committed to welcoming students on internships. Some offers will be sent via Claroline Connect, on your student mailbox or on the homepage of the website. but it is advisable to contact the team in which you wish to do your internship. For more information, do not hesitate to get closer to your supervisors of master, head of the teaching unit of internship or your sponsor / student godmother.
→ Some informations
- 2-months internship at the end of the first year - May/June
- 2-months internship at the beginning of the second year - September /October
- 6-months internship at the end of second year - february-june. For students interested in pursuing a PhD, it is advisable to complete a Master's degree second year internship in the laboratory where you wish to apply for a thesis project.
→ Particular cases
- abroad internship in partner universities, your internship will last 6 months - may to october.
- other option : you can choose to do an internship will last 3, 4 or 6 months, in the same laboratories in France or two different laboratories between the two internships.
⚠ IMPORTANT: For a 6-month internship, it is not possible to make a single convention. You will have to make a first request of 2, 3 or 4 months maximum for the M1 and a request of 2 months for the M2. Indeed, the conventions work by school year. Thus, you will have to wait for the validation of your registration in the second year of master before making your second convention.
→ Apply for an internship agreement

Voici l'espace convention. Dans le panneau de droite, dans Conventions Etudiants, choisir, mon espace convention

Cliquer sur "Créer une demande de convention"

Compléter le formulaire

Lorsque la formulaire est intégralement complété, cliquer sur le bouton : Soumettre la convention.
Votre convention sera validée par un responsable pédagogique. Puis, une validation administrative aura lieu.
Votre convention sera imprimée à l'Université. Vous recevrez un mail pour vous en informer. Vous allez chercher votre convention auprès de Madame FRISON.
Une fois ces signatures obtenues, il vous faudra rapporter les documents à Madame FRISON qui se chargera d'obtenir la dernière signature du représentant de l'établissement.